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I'm only here for the drama.

5 comments in and 5 wild hot takes already.

Here's a kicker, give someone an SSRI and a pep talk and their dopamine signalling changes as they recover from social anxiety. No SSRI and nada, no pep talk and nearly nada.

That is a wild oversimplification. SSRIs take weeks to start doing anything beneficial.

That's entirely untrue.

I wanted to quip that you were making an oversimplification but that's just categorically false.

”According to the FDA, the heightened risk of suicidality is within the first one to two months of treatment”

So what? That has nothing to do with my statement and nothing to do with your claim that no one can see benefit for weeks from SSRIs.

Are you just going to make endless unrelated statements?

How about you find a reference that says no one sees benefit, for any indication, from SSRIs for at least 2 weeks.

I’m sure they are a good active placebo.

Good enough to make some people psychotic.

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