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This is a PR article for some SSRI company.

It's quite clear that SSRIs don't work... but pharma doesn't want to lose the cash cow, hence articles like this.

If treatment or cure is the goal, SSRIs don't work.

If the goal is to chemically inflate the ego of traumatized people to make them temporarily feel good about themselves while causing much worse long-term harm in exchange for profit to the drug companies, then SSRIs work great.

Don't delude anyone pls.

SSRI works for some people it is a matter of fact.

So does placebo. What is your point?

You can say so about any drug lol. What is your point?

SSRIs haven’t been shown to have any more efficacy than a placebo.

Where’d you get your M.D.?

Based on the username I think it's safe to assume they're a quack. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quackery

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