I am wondering more and more if any trust in a single cloud provider isn't simply an unacceptable risk. The power balance means that a minor error on their side is generally business-ending for you. This is different from almost any other supplier, which can generally be replaced, even if the business is on hold for a few days. So any data recovery plan that should be able answer: what if the relation with our cloud provider disappears unexpectedly.
This is not a warning against only heroku. Google is famous for terminating without any recourse random accounts because they felt like it that day. Amazon and especially Microsoft seem more dependable, but even they had their share of business-killing behaviour.
So e.g. a backup with another cloud vendor is a requirement for almost any business. And of course, validate it. Easyer said than done at scale, of course, but even a partially failed backup is better than nothing.
This is not a warning against only heroku. Google is famous for terminating without any recourse random accounts because they felt like it that day. Amazon and especially Microsoft seem more dependable, but even they had their share of business-killing behaviour.
So e.g. a backup with another cloud vendor is a requirement for almost any business. And of course, validate it. Easyer said than done at scale, of course, but even a partially failed backup is better than nothing.