For languages and environments where there is a competitive language service, yes.
So far I've only seen rust-analyzer get even close to intellij (for directly supported languages). Every other one has been mediocre at best or downright awful.
Even the worst is generally better than no support and flaky or non-existent syntax highlighting though - language services have massively improved the breadth of language support in [random editor X] and I'm totally sold on them as a concept.
That's fair, I haven't experimented with everything the jetbrains suite supports.
I've had good luck with javascript's, python's and go's language servers specifically. I'd think maybe C#'s would be rough, but microsoft is behind the protocol, so maybe not? I know Intellij is way ahead on java, but I've spent most of my career trying to avoid that.
Things like rubymine or phpstorm are definitely areas I have no experience.
Gopls is still miles behind Goland, in my experience.
It doesn't crash, and it handles our extremely large repo without being too slow which is honestly impressive... but the amount of time I've had it "find references" and had significantly worse results than a blind grep, or "go to implementation" sending me to a completely different function signature, is easily in the hundreds. And that all impacts refactorings too, making them worse than useless - an intern equipped with a 5 minute crash course in sed can do better. Finding and fixing what it screwed up takes longer than doing it all by hand in the first place.
Goland's type-level understanding is incomparably better and more reliable. Refactors almost always work automatically. Find usages is almost always perfect, and its mistakes are understandable given the repo and the type system. Call hierarchy actually figures out a call hierarchy instead of flaking out and giving two incorrect results and nothing else. It's trustable. And that's before getting into the absolute clusterfuck that are vscode's settings.
(Why do I use vscode/gopls then? Because its remote editing experience is amazingly good, and sometimes that's more important. Jetbrains' Gateway is largely usable now and improving consistently, but it's very new and definitely not up to that level yet)
So far I've only seen rust-analyzer get even close to intellij (for directly supported languages). Every other one has been mediocre at best or downright awful.
Even the worst is generally better than no support and flaky or non-existent syntax highlighting though - language services have massively improved the breadth of language support in [random editor X] and I'm totally sold on them as a concept.