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Comes full circle as Ubuntu is derived from Debian

As somebody said, "Ubuntu is Debian-based the same way milk is grass-based".

What a smarmy thing for that somebody to have said! They use the same package manager and many of the Ubuntu devs were originally Debian devs.

The same package manager, but different enough packages, PPAs, etc, and a different release process.

Many different technical decisuons.

A very different project governance.

I'm not implying that these things are bad! But different enough they undeniably are.

The fact that I can install .deb packages on my box using a port of apt does not make it Debian. (Saying this as a dedicated Debian user since 1998 and until the switch to systemd.)

I realize the above comment took more effort than parroting someone else's 9-word statement. Thanks for putting the effort to expounding on the differences between milk and grass.

ubuntu started out as "debian, but with more up to date packages and some light polish."

as a long time debian user in the 90s, ubuntu was an exciting new step for debian based distros.

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