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Build your own link shortener in few minutes (github.com/anas-dew)
2 points by anasdew on Jan 29, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This reminds me of the time I built one of my larger bonfires in Usenet Land, then immolated myself (well, my reputation) in the resulting pyre.

In Usenet Land I spent most of my time in the poetry groups. In 2002 I came up with the idea of doing a weekly review of some of the poems and debates I had enjoyed, with short comments added to each link to make the post more legitimately "review-y"[1]. These were the last days of Usenet (my personal view) and Dejanews - the Usenet archiver of choice back in the day - was long deceased. Which meant I had to post links to posts using long-and-very-ugly Google links.

So I built my own link shortener service. It was a fun weekend exercise, with links going through a web domain I owned at the time[2]. The results were much more pleasing.

Sadly I was dealing with Usenet Poets, some of whom took massive umbrage at the shortened links "stealing their copyrighted work"[3]. I fought my corner but, by the time the flames died down, I had lost all enthusiasm for the project. The link shortener code died a few weeks after I posted my last review.

[1] - Long Ladle Review Issue 1, posted to RAP 14 Oct 2002: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.poems/c/VBRR28g-jnM/m/h...

[2] - The shortened links don't work anymore! I gave up the `kalieda.org` domain years ago; it's now owned by some US medical company. You have been warned!

[3] - The final argument thread in the flame war: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.arts.poems/c/WT_dTrs0Up0

What exactly you're trying to say to me?

Super-URL is a simple and lightweight Python web app that provides an easy way to shorten and expand URLs like popular URL shortening services like TinyURL and Bitly.

But the main difference is that you can use Super URL API to shorten links and build your own app out of it without even caring for database and other backend stuff.

Using Super URL and it's API is absoluty free of cost.

With Super-URL, you can quickly and easily shorten long URLs into shorter, more manageable links that are perfect for sharing on social media, messaging apps, or anywhere else you need to share a link.

Additionally, you can expand shortened URLs back to their original form, making it easy to see where a link will take you before you click on it.

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