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Ironically in your haste to be contrarian to me, you failed to read the statistics. Billions of babies do know intuitively and billions more don’t. The meme is actually pretty harmful for new parents, who may think their child must be defective if they can’t figure out “the only intuitive interface”, when the reality is that it’s extremely common.

But beyond that (and this is covered in the stack overflow thread) is that it confuses intuition and reflex. Reflex is hard-wired and the stimulus often doesn’t even hit the brain - think a doctor tapping a kneecap. Suckling is like this, which is why a baby will root if you stroke its cheek - obviously there’s no nipple on the finger, yet the baby’s reflex kicks in nonetheless.

Intuition/intuitive on the other hand, in the context of UI design, means the user can without thinking or with very little conscious thought understand how to use the interface.

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