I thought one weird trick to having good teeth was outright avoiding sugary drinks (soft drinks) and snacks. I always assumed avoiding causes was more important than remediation (teeth cleaning). Anecdotally, it seems reasonable.
That said, flossing gets rid of obvious stuck gunk, so I do that (with care to avoid damaging gums).
This is exactly right. If you really want to brush after eating acidic foods, at the very least swish generously with water first. Ideally, use a pre-brushing rinse that restores your mouth's pH balance.
To add to the other responses, using a straw can help, it gets the liquid past your teeth.
In part too the sugar with acid combo is particularly impactful, the sugar acts as an abrading agent. Hence, smoothies are something to take care with too.
If you ate something acidic, brushing might just rub the acid into your teeth. I’m not quite sure how big of a deal it is but that’s my guess as to why you want to wait a bit.
One culture shock while in South Korea is that people who brush their teeth after every meal in the office. Teachers would even walk around the hallway with a tooth brush in their mouth.