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It's also possible that OSMAnd was configured to repeat the instruction every 15 minutes or so. I don't recall if that's on by default, but I always turn it on so I get occasional reminders of how far it is to my next turn.

The worst part of this kind of navigation bug (which I've experienced on other platforms as well) is that it obscures the next actual turn. I'll see there's some navigation event in 20 miles, but when I actually get there its just a "stay on this road for another 50 miles", which at that point its once again "stay on this road for another x miles..." I don't care about all of these stay on the road kind of events, I just want to know when my next exit might be even if that's in 300 miles.

It happens randomly and sometimes repeatedly within a short period of time. I'm sure it's due to errors in the map data, but it still should be scrubbed from the prompt queue by OsmAnd.

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