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OsmAnd is excellent when you're on mountain-trails or such. Google Maps isn't even any comparison there. People often say OsmAnd is bloated but I'm usually delighted when I want to do some very specific thing and after some searching find it.

The discoverability of places could be improved. I imagine this is more difficult when you dont collect data on people though...

One must be careful when hiking with OpenStreetMap (and OsmAnd) as reference. Several times I could barely find the path (maybe it was added by someone but not really official and maintained) and I had to follow the positioning to try to follow the virtual path in the high grass. (but I still rely a lot on OsmAnd).

In Norway that can easily be a problem with the official (https://www.norgeskart.no) maps as well. In some areas, unused paths will quickly deteriorate and I don't think all (if any) map-providers have good procedures to detect this. Decent foot paths in the wild is not always easily visible on satellite imagery, so relying on that alone wouldn't work.

It would be nice if openstreetmap-based apps had an easy way to mark a path or section of a path as low visibility[1]

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:trail_visibility

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