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TinyTapeout (https://tinytapeout.com/) is fantastic. I submitted three simple designs: one as a part of TinyTapeout 1, and a couple more in TinyTapeout 2, and now waiting for physical chips mounted on a debug board to arrive.

Matt Venn and the TinyTapout community are very friendly to beginners. I highly encourage people to participate in the upcoming TinyTapeout 3 run. They even have a visual editor, if people don't want to mess with Verilog and prefer direct drawing of logic gates: https://wokwi.com/projects/339800239192932947

I was also part of TinyTapeout 2 run, and I can attest the whole process from start to finish was a lot of fun, and a great educational experience.

My design was rather simple [1], compared to others I saw. I designed a tool to explore the Hamming error-correcting code.

[1] https://abdullahkhalid.com/blog/2022/Aug/31/designing-a-chip...

They even have a visual editor, if people don't want to mess with Verilog and prefer direct drawing of logic gates

What if you prefer direct drawing of the mask layers?

I think there is probably a way to do that. There's also this teaser of a tool like that, from Matt Venn who created tinytapeout - Siliwiz


What if I want to etch rubylith with a hand-operated plotter?

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