If you are looking for a super easy way to put a motor with closed loop motion control, I highly recommend Vertiq (https://www.vertiq.co/) modules. They have a built-in position sensor and microcontroller. They have firmware based anti-cogging for smooth motion. I use them in making computer controlled musical instruments by just hooking up the serial interface to an ESP32 and using the Vertiq API to handle all the hard stuff of controlling motors. They really lowered the barrier to working with motors for me. Just be sure you get the right Kv for your project and use voltage limiting for an extra layer of safety.
Another product in this vein, Teknik motors. They're fully integrated, give them power and Connect to them via USB amd program it. Once you program it you can just use the gpio pins on the motor to wire up switches or other types of control. Super easy
Another plug for Teknik. Only used them once, but it was the easiest closed-loop DC servo I've ever used: entire project was done in less than a day.
Contrast with Advanced Motion Controls where it took days of coding before I could even talk to the controller. Not to knock a-m-c: their product is very fast and precise, just far less software help to get going. Manuals are complete but extremely dense reading.
Do you know if this would be appropriate in, for example, a microscope stage?
I use steppers (open loop) to move a stage on bearings, and I would prefer to have closed-loop with position sensing (not movement- actual position- because a single dropped step will ruin an acquisition).
I already work with ESP32 and have done closed-loop DC motor stuff before, so I'm just curious if this is something I could drop in and be happy with.
I primarily use the Vertiq line because I'm dealing with speed of spinning a rotary magnetic bow, and timing a robotic drumming. I don't think Veriq is the right fit for a microscope stage.
They have a new line of closed loop steppers that would be better suited for that type of motion control.
These should provide very smooth and precise position control.
These units haven't shipped yet but will be soon.