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Is there any place on the entire planet that _hasn't_ become more authoritarian in the past, say, 5 years?

Chile is currently in the process of rewriting its constitution to ensure civil liberties, indigenous rights, and so on. They recently legalized same-sex marriage etc.

You could make a pretty good argument for Saudi Arabia.

From a very low base maybe

The place that hacked a journalist into pieces?

Yeah, but have they hacked a journalist to pieces lately. No, but seriously, they have become more open in recent years, the most visible change of which is that women can drive.

it happened in october 2018 and was ordered by the current de facto ruler

Everything’s fine here in Switzerland so far.

Except the country spend a lot of energy trying to defend Russian oligarchs in their banking systems and preventing Ukraine from getting supplies. A « neutrality » that somehow seems to fall a lot on the side of Russia.

Can I move there? (not rich :) )

You have to find a company that would convince the authorities that they have been looking for qualified workforce on the Swiss/EU market and were not been able to find anyone suitable in 6 months thus you deserve a visa.

Google still has some open positions in Zürich!

meh, just keep your existing remote WFH job, but have your home be in Zürich. You might need to work some offset hours to keep your meetings. Now, you're just on a tourist visa. Check it out for however long your tourist visa allows, and then if you don't actually like, it's a lot easier to leave. One step closer to being a digital nomad

> Google still has some open positions

> Google

Um... no, thanks )

> meh, just keep your existing remote WFH job

I'm currently ~1k eur/month (altough remote), and I doubt that's a survivable amount for .ch. And a tourist visa is kinda not something could save my life now. If available, at all.

Well yiz only gave women the vote in 1971...so the reactionary backlash hasn't yet had time to work itself out.

Not exactly; in 1971, it was for one last standing half-canton. On federal level and for most other cantons, women were allowed to vote long ago.

Sadly, women rights are a recent development in many recent countries. In Spain in 1975, women weren’t allowed to open their own bank accounts, for example. There are many other sad historical examples, and modern examples too :(

>In Spain in 1975, women weren’t allowed to open their own bank accounts, for example.

Well, guess why.

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