As far as I am concerned, sleeping is only annoying if it takes time. My MacBook basically wakes up instantly, so I have no issue whatsoever with it. Why do you think sleeping is a annoying?
If I have a game running I don't want my laptop to suspend, if I have an ssh, RDP, or IRC session open I don't want my laptop to suspend, if I have audio or video playing I don't want my laptop to suspend, if I just started a compile I don't want my laptop to suspend, if I just copied files to my dropbox folder I don't want my laptop to suspend.
Well, if you don't want your laptop to suspend while it is open, use Caffeine. Awesome App!
I was really asking why you would ever want your laptop to not suspend when you do close your lid. Watching a video or game is not possible with a closed lid anyway. Downloading something would be, but then I just leave the lid open if I want to do something like that…
Really? Are you doing something over IRC or SSH with the lid closed? I normally don't talk to irc with the lid closed, because I can't reach the keyboard that easily...
If you want something on the other side of the SSH to continue, use sleep or tmux.
If you want to keep your session, well, keep your lid open...