I have the feeling Bing is on the way to overtake Google even without OpenAI, recently google results seem to struggle more and more. Whenever I am trying to remember a word, if I type something similliar sounding google will give me no results at all. Bing (I use DDG which serves Bing results) will most of the time figure out what I was trying to find.
I'm a DDG user as well and I feel it's getting loaded with spam links much like Google. Usually my most confident searches are watching a YouTube video on what I'm looking for. I would prefer text to video but it seems that's where we're headed until video becomes cheaper than text to produce (unlikely).
Same here, it pisses me off to see a lot of those spam sites being ranked that high on google. YouTube is a mixed bag too particularly when you trying to troubleshoot an issue or learn more about a particular feature of Product X. All you get are reviews of Product X returned from the search.