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Its my understandingn that Visa does offer the service to banks, they just haven't implemented it. There is to my knowledge no regulatory red tape, it's just not seem as profitable.

The banks here in Denmark har just less competitive and more entrenched than in the US

I wouldn't say that banking is particularly competitive in the US when it comes to technological/product features such as this. Out of several of my cards, only one issuer offers virtual/one-time use card numbers themselves.

My Swedish bank (Swedbank) had this service from some time in the 00's up until 2017 when they discontinued it. So they were way ahead of the game but for some reason dropped it.

Was it a flash applet? Moving the tech forwards wasn't something Bank of America could manage to do, so they shut down their version (Shopsafe).

On the web it was a flash applet but they had an iPhone app as well

Why would it be up to Visa/MC to offer the service, and not for the bank, which issues the cards, to implement?

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