A few years ago i recommended website baker as a nice simple CMS, which is also hackable if necessary. That was three years ago. Maybe the situation has changed, but i would never recommend a complexity-monster like Typo3. Typo3 is "enterprisy" in the negative sense.
Don't be too hard on TYPO3, it has its virtues. For instance, it has the most elegant handling of multilingual content I've ever found in fifteen years of working with CMSes. But for a small single-language site (i.e. 99% of the sites people develop) it's definitely overkill.
For as complex as it is, TYPO3 is pretty usable. I built a site on TYPO3 before I ever messed with WordPress some 6 years ago. Now that I think of it, I'd probably opt for TYPO3 before Drupal.