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You are correct that I think the USA government is an authoritarian one, insomuch as it is very reactionary or at least conservative, and engages in incredible acts of authoritarianism and imperialism.

I don't think it's anything like authoritarian regimes, wherein a single individual (DPRK) or party (PRC) maintains absolute power. However, it is authoritarian in its representation of its single interest: billionaires and corporations (which famously have personhood in the usa and are explicitly granted political power via legislation).

I wish you wouldn't take a bad faith interpretation of my position by strawmanning me as if I'm claiming the usa is like the DPRK. I'm not alone in my viewpoints, and considering the rise of leftism in the usa, at the very least you would be well served to pay attention to what we're saying if nothing else so you aren't blindsided by a sudden wave of anti-establishment blowback. Read Cory Doctorow's "Radicalized" for some fun fiction on the dangers of laughing away criticism of the problems in the usa as just silly disaffected leftists who aren't "realistic."

In any case I doubt what I'm claiming, if you take it in good faith, is really all that controversial.

Do you want to live in a country where you could be churned through viciously unfair court systems for potential years because you used JavaScript to access APIs that you didn't know were intended to be accessed only by humans through web browsers? Because that's happened to people in the usa.

Do you want to live in a country where you could go to jail for fixing your own tractor, or iphone? That's what the American government is leaning towards.

Do you want to live in a country where human rights aren't guaranteed if the State can pick a demographic trait about you that renders you inhuman in certain situations? The USA is doing that right now to women and their bodily autonomy, and transgender people for same.

Do you want to be a target when you travel because your government armed revolutionaries and then radicalized them against The West by pillaging their country for natural resources? This America has done uncountable times.

So why deny reality? Don't you want the usa to be a better place? You don't have to be a communist to think so. You can simply want the things I mentioned to go away. There's no reason America can't just be a milquetoast capitalist state with whisps of socialism in their healthcare and transportation industry like plenty of nations across the world. Why assume that's a slippery slope to whatever scary thing you think I believe?

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