Mercedes-Benz's market cap is $106M, while Microsoft's market cap is $1.78T. Microsoft is 16.8K times larger than Mercedes-Benz. People are aware of the difference when criticizing how US tech behaves.
Edit: See comments below. Correct Mercedes-Benz market cap is $76.5B, in which case Microsoft is 23 times the size of Mercedes-Benz.
Mercedes-Benz's market cap is way higher (like, almost 100x higher) than $106M, and I don't think that market cap is the right metric to use when evaluating a company's ability to pay its workers.
Mercedes-Benz had roughly the same net income as Facebook last quarter, and in the same ballpark as all of the major US tech companies, and still has significantly lower average pay.
Edit: See comments below. Correct Mercedes-Benz market cap is $76.5B, in which case Microsoft is 23 times the size of Mercedes-Benz.