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Ask HN: Which is a good iPad app for Hacker News
7 points by scorpion032 on Jan 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I have seen a few; even paid for one. But they crash, are slow and I end up back to the browser. I miss all the gesture UX.

There is no perfect HN iPad app. I bought all of them but there is only 1 good designed from usability perspective, it's called Hacker News HD for iPad but it crashes after using it non-stop more than 1 hour or so without restarting app. Sometimes you need to delete and reinstall. So I tired of it, now I made a Homescreen bookmark for the website, it's the best way to browse HN.

I like news:yc on iOS. I've only used it on an iPhone, so I can't speak as to how it works on an iPad. Even if it was just scaled up, though, I think it's still a great app.

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