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I don't have experience with this.

1) SQLite with BLOB storage gives you binary benefits for file layout and database solutions to metadata, versioning, & indexing into large structure.

2) FlexBuffers look like a more flexible solution within the FlatBuffers library.

    FlatBuffers was designed around schemas, because when you want maximum performance and data consistency, strong typing is helpful.

   There are however times when you want to store data that doesn't fit a schema, because you can't know ahead of time what all needs to be stored.

   For this, FlatBuffers has a dedicated format, called FlexBuffers. This is a binary format that can be used in conjunction with FlatBuffers (by storing a part of a buffer in FlexBuffers format), or also as its own independent serialization format.


3) Might see previous discussion of serialization formats on hn:


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