What you're describing is likely overkill. Just buy a used laptop on Craigslist. Drive about 50 mi away. Park at a motel and take a yellow cab to a moderately busy Starbucks. Hack away, and then leave via yellow cab. Leave your phone in your car. Pay for everything in cash. Throw away the laptop.
There's a chance that you'll get caught on camera at Starbucks. But the cameras there, if any, aren't set up to provide full coverage and are rotated every few days.
Don't involve any other people , don't wear a disguise. If you're going to alter your appearance in any way, do it when you meet the seller to pick up the laptop.
added: You might want a burner phone to call the cab. But normally a motel desk will do that if you ask nicely.
When they trace the activity back to that starbucks I imagine the fact that you happened to be in the area that day, 50 miles away from your home, stopping at a hotel that requested a cab to that same starbucks would stand out rather quickly.
If you leave your cell phone at home that would help, but you still risk being tracked by your car or being caught on any number of cameras and identified via facial recognition.
I assume they'd be looking at everyone who was in the area and isn't following their usual routine. That's what I'd do anyway. I'd look into the owners of each device logged that isn't normally around.
There's a chance that you'll get caught on camera at Starbucks. But the cameras there, if any, aren't set up to provide full coverage and are rotated every few days.
Don't involve any other people , don't wear a disguise. If you're going to alter your appearance in any way, do it when you meet the seller to pick up the laptop.
added: You might want a burner phone to call the cab. But normally a motel desk will do that if you ask nicely.