> In Europe, outside of the south, mosquitoes are pretty tame.
Use to be... native species were mostly a problem during summer and during night time.
But since about 15 years ago you had a massive spread of invasive Asian Tiger mosquitos (Aedes albopictus) genomic studies show it was likely introduced via Italy and Albania simultaneously.
Those things are nasty, go 24/7, and are just a very different beast in terms of disease vector.
There are already established population pockets as far North as Switzerland. Yet another problem that is likely to worsen as temperatures continue to rise.
Eh, in Romania mosquitoes are pretty bad. And in the last couple of years they're "cousins" came along: tiger mosquitoes. Those cause a really nasty bite
After spending some years in Italy I developed a partial immunity to mosquito bites. It lasted for about half a year.