`x(t) = sum_k w_k sin(2pik*t)`
Then you just ask the question: given x, solve for w.
The next question is "why sinusoids", and the answer is that because for any linear, time invariant system acting on x:
y(t) = F[x](t)
that system diagonalizes over (complex) sinusoids:
y(f) = F(f)x(f)
`x(t) = sum_k w_k sin(2pik*t)`
Then you just ask the question: given x, solve for w.
The next question is "why sinusoids", and the answer is that because for any linear, time invariant system acting on x:
y(t) = F[x](t)
that system diagonalizes over (complex) sinusoids:
y(f) = F(f)x(f)