> It's precisely one text terminal or LED scroller away.
This is quite strange. Let us remember the context
> Print debugging is a technique that will never go out of style. It works on any system,
So you are suggesting that watching the blinking of a GPIO pin (I hope you have an oscilloscope, or some other probe, rather than applying to to your tongue) is the same as "Print debugging"?
I contend that in any sensible use of technical English "print debugging" is text output to a console.
In that context there are a lot of systems, possibly most computer systems, do not have access to that. It is not unusual for developers to go to elaborate lengths to attach consoles to these systems - not the same as " It works on any system, "
If you added code to tickle the GPIO specifically to gain insight into the process, whether you leave it in or not, then it’s “print debugging”. Many a microcontroller developer has tickled an indicator LED in their day.
If your simply monitoring activity through an external source (whether it’s an oscilloscope or watching traffic through a network analyzer) then that’s basically black box testing.
Yes, they are. How do you think text terminals work?