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Show HN: Podcast on timelines, implications & responses to AGI (theagishow.com)
3 points by soroushjp on Jan 12, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Like all of you here on HN, I love building & understanding technology. Several years ago, I read about the possibility & potential implications of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and it was arguably the most transformative thing I'd ever read about a piece of technology.

I believe AGI is closer than most think - probably in our lifetimes.

That means we're likely to enter the most exciting but also most disruptive period in human history. Cutting edge models like ChatGPT & DALL-E have convinced me the time to pay attention is now.

I want to ensure this future is positive & beneficial for our world. That's why I've started a podcast, The AGI Show (www.theagishow.com) to interview AI experts & understand the timelines, pathways, & implications of AGI, and to share those learnings with everyone as I go.

I have a huge amount of respect for some of the incredible minds that frequent HN and would love your perspectives on the podcast and the future of AGI. Please check it out and let me know what you think, so we can build an incredible, positive future together .

I love to see this! Hope it gets traction - would be great to have more forums discussion AGI

Thanks for sharing and I'm excited to see what comes next!

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