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About 3% of rare earth metals mined globally are mined in Europe currently. About 30% of the global supply is used in Europe tho.

That doesn't really indicate how much is available in the ground, but only what's being actively mined.

Someone else wondered about concentrations of rare earth metals in the ground in this finding, and it's "unusually high: 0.18%"

My source is both paywalled and in Swedish, sorry about that, but here it is: https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/jattefynd-av-sallsynta-jordartsmet...

Doesn't seem to be pay-walled at the moment although DN does encourage you to log in.

I archived it on the Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20230112191438/https://www.dn.se...

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