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Yeah the Swedes helped Nazi Germany immensely selling them high quality iron. There were invasion plans drawn up going from German controlled Narvik to Kiruna, but the Swedes was so accommodating that it wasn't needed.

Honestly, okay and? To understand context, Germany was like USA back then. A LOT of media, books, philisophy, goods came from there. German was read and spoken as a language like English is now.

We did it so we would not get bombed, rolled and smoked.

Sweden was dirt poor after the wars of 1600s. In the 1800s and early 1900s people emigrated to the USA as people where so poor and the government actually had to stop it for a while. It was only after WW2 we really started to prosper. First due to natural resources, still important exports for us, enabled us to renovate cities, but making the right choices, we also invested in a knowledge based society, government laid phone cables and fibre, had a tax programme for home computers in the 90s/early 00s, school was mandatory early on, collage was free from the start etc etc etc

We are a country of 10milion and we built 3 jets of our own design, JAS Gripen is one of the best currently flying, we design our own submarines, worldwide tech companies like Ericsson for phones, 3/4/5G, Software companies like Spotify, Gaming like Minecraft, Battlefield, Division, SAAB/Scania for trucks all over.

Imagine the city of New York doing that, cant imagine.

Dont forget Erlang!

Interestingly, the Brits had drawn up their own 'preemptive invasion' plans for Norway and Sweden to 'discourage' Germany from doing the same, which was then 'pre-pre-empted' by the German invasion of Norway:


There's a big difference between planning something and actually going through with it. The military makes all sorts of contingency plans that never have a serious shot of seeing use. Per the linked article, the Allies were expecting some level of cooperation from the countries in question, which they never got, thus the plan never executed. It was not supposed to be a full-on violent invasion like the Nazis' actions.

It is a bit more complicated than that. Sweden was selling to both sides but then Germany invaded Norway in order to secure the shipping lane from Norway to Germany and also stopping the allies from buying ore from Sweden. They did draft up more plans in case Sweden would stop selling, but all the primary goals was already completed by the invasion of Norway.

Also sold ball bearings for the Spitfire to the UK, and trained tens of thousands of Norwegian "police" in exile during the Nazi occupation of Norway. Gotta hedge your bets. (Or make the best of being between a rock and hard place.)

Churchill famously quipped when Sweden started to build atomic shelters during the 1950s something along the lines of - "why? who are you going to fight"

At that time, Sweden had a secret program to acquire nuclear weapons. They intended to either buy them from America or manufacture their own, with the intent of defending themselves from the Soviet Union. America decided not to support this, so Sweden wound down the program in the 60s and 70s and exported the plutonium they had produced to America.

That seems pretty short-sighted of him - atomic shelters come in useful if you're trying to survive your neighbors fighting without getting involved!

The Swedes helped the Allies also.

Whats your point? Kiruna, mining, and ww2 is linked with Germany. HN posts are not the place for thorough disseminationof Sweden during ww2, and it is also off topic.

Why did _you_ bring it up in the first place, then?

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