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> been unmasked by COVID

Too soon friend.

Honestly I didn't lay in a bed in the hallway when the shot's mycarditis got triaged as "might be a heart attack". And as for who pays, well that dose cost me $3000[2] and my insurance another $20000, good thing I didnt take an ambulance there. But I guess I should be honored to pay it in the name of social contract and social good. The government gave free vaccines, but didn't own up to the expensive part. I'm all for saving the lives of the elderly at the cost of the young... in vampire movies. But, in real life the boomers should at least have had the decency to at least cover the cost -- something they easily can afford to do[1]

[1]: https://youtu.be/lQQPicCoaG4?t=129

[2]: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FA4cPr...

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