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Show HN: Framous - Your Photos. Your Personality. (framousapp.com)
23 points by swiil on Jan 6, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

Lovely design, but unfortunately loading times are super slow for me... The header and footer loads fine, but the loading graphic for the middle section was turning for approx. 60-90 seconds before the content loaded :(

Then, once the content is loaded, the animation between the "About Framous > Select a layout > Select Photos > Select a Frame > Get Framous!" pages also takes too long, which spoils the user experience in my opinion.

Great start though. If you can improve these issues, I think you will have a really nice site.

Yes, super slow for me as well. Love the concept though!

Photos uploaded to Facebook are usually not in high resolution, do the prints turn out well enough?

That is some really fantastic front end design.

Loading time was fine for me. I was actually really impressed with the design and animation. Great job for just launching.

However, I also was curious about the pricing. I couldn't even find it on your FAQ page.

The collages are generated by us using the highest quality FB photos available to us. Its printed at 300 dpi. The quality if coming from a decent camera can be quite good. Even droid and iPhone images uploaded with the mobile client are more than acceptable for most consumers.

Our plan is to integrate other image services over time.

Thanks for all the feed back!

If you want you can get a collage half off by usin the discount code 'friends2012'


You might want to consider a stepped permissions model for the Facebook auth. Asking for a crapton of permissions up front before establishing any trust with the user can be off-putting.

For example, get the email first, give users more info about pricing, how it works, etc., then get photo permissions.

And don't ask for permissions you don't need. Why ask for access to my friends' likes?

Like counts are used in photo sorting/selection. We are still testing that feature.

You can add more permissions later.

that's how it looks for me http://i.imgur.com/edS1S.png

I like your concept (and the name is great).

You are probably already doing this, but I would definitely a/b test the speed of the animation on your landing page if you can. ~3 seconds seems like a lot of transition time for me but I can see why it might not be if the data says that it works.

This would be awesome except for the huge reliance on facebook. Facebook kills the quality of the photos I take, I would prefer to upload high resolution photos for print. Flickr integration would be more applicable for something like this.

Created my frame, left the site, came back, and placed an order.

Did not realize framous had not saved my picture orientation properly. Emailed to cancel order so I could place a new one. No response.

Now I will not be placing a new order at all.

Hey, we did respond and refunded your order. Sorry for the delay in that response we were still getting our operations up and running.

Feel free to use the free code if you would be willing to give us another try. We are sorry it wasn't an ideal experience.

Is there a pricing page?

That front-end design is ridiculous. How did you do it?

Your site design for iOS vanishes. There's a brief flash of a colored background and then no styling at all.

You need to list pricing info.

Another concern that you need to address is photo quality. Facebook really chews up photos that are uploaded. I'm a photographer and despise what they do to high quality images. I only upload for friends to view and it irks me they'll never see images in their true form.


launched today

made with MongoDB

This is a strange thing to say.

No pricing is a huge red flag for photo printing sites. It usually means it costs something ridiculous compared to regular printing sites and even expensive ones like MPix.

Your site took FOREVER to load, and then started blasting colorful backgrounds, making the text in front unreadable.

Thanks for the feedback.

The price is 39.99

Do you have an algo create the collage? Either way I could never see myself using your service. Your site loads fine on iPad, but yeah it is slow.

The wizard says: "Go away and come back tomorrow!"

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