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Did you read the article? The very first sentence is

"Obviously this is an utterly preposterous statement: it’s hard to think of a more ridiculous and esoteric coding requirement."

Or how about this:

"Don’t worry! I don’t think you should refactor all your code to be sure you have strings of length 23 or less. That would obviously be ridiculous. The speed increase sounds impressive, but actually the time differences I measured were insignificant until I allocated 100,000s or millions of strings – how many Ruby applications will need to create this many string values? And even if you do need to create many string objects, the pain and confusion caused by using only short strings would overwhelm any performance benefit you might get.

For me I really think understanding something about how the Ruby interpreter works is just fun! I enjoyed taking a look through a microscope at these sorts of tiny details. I do also suspect having some understanding of how Matz and his colleagues actually implemented the language will eventually help me to use Ruby in a wiser and more knowledgeable way. We’ll have to see… stay tuned for some more posts about Ruby internals!"

I truly do not understand the emotional reaction you were having when you wrote this comment. It sounds like you've had some issues in the past with your time being wasted debating pointless optimizations, and that's what you were reacting to.

The article is not advocating pointless optimizations. The article is simply exploring a cool little piece of MRI.

It sounds like you have a lot of experience with dealing with optimization, though. It'd be cool if you wrote something educational about optimization.

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