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Fish 3.6.0 (github.com/fish-shell)
186 points by robin_reala on Jan 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

Heads up to fzf users who used to use fzf's Ctrl+R, and would like to now disable it (to use fish's that has syntax highlighting) without disabling the rest of fzf's shell keybindings: I filed https://github.com/junegunn/fzf/issues/3115 , "How to selectively disable Ctrl+R shell keybinding (while NOT disabling Alt+C & others)"

EDIT faho (fish shell maintainer) chimed in the issue and describes how to ask fish to erase the custom binding after fzf keybindings load! I confirm it works :) . Pretty delicious fish. Thanks faho!

    fzf_key_bindings # load fzf shell keybindings normally
    bind --erase \cr # restore built-in-fish>=3.6.0 Ctrl+R history

It may be worth checking the fzf plugin you're using with Fish. There is a more recent+maintained effort[0] that brings an even more delightful feature set, particularly with Ctrl+R/_fzf_search_history

[0] https://github.com/PatrickF1/fzf.fish/wiki/Prior-Art

Wow, I switched to fish a few months ago, and the items explicitly listed here are exactly some of my sticking points from transitioning from bash. In bash I would use both the multicd and !! operations they describe there, along with control-r and removing them from my muscle memory has been some of the only downsides. I'm excited to see that all three of these are possible to set up here as well.

I’ve used fish since the pre 2.0 days, and have always been impressed with it, it has literally saved me days of time at this point, in total.

The bash cross-comparability features are really nice for simple copy paste commands and control-r will be another great nice to have.

It’s the first thing I install on any new system!

Same here, I'm using fish since the earliest days and I can't live without it. It is one of the essential tools in my toolkit.

Could you specify what you mean with bash cross-compatibility? This has been my only gripe after using fish for a long time and why I've been considering switching back to zsh.

Wow it looks like like the vim mode has improved a lot since last time I used it. It's a joy to use. It was the only reason I was still using zsh.

Fantastic work as always. Thanks to the maintainers for making a shell that is a joy to use without needing to descend to configuration hell.

Possible to do global history across sessions in fish? I use multiple zsh sessions (as tabs) in iterm2, and love the fact my commands are available across tabs.

not an answer to your question, but an alternative,

whenever I feel that historical command context missing (why does "UP" not give me my command I ran 5 tabs away?!), I run `history merge` and be on my way.


`history merge` can be run manually in Fish to force the current session to pickup the global history, or you can use a small plugin to do it automatically:


Great, thanks for the plugin pointer.

The improvements to the abbreviations is a welcome change, should enable some “macro” like workflows. Excited to try it tonight.

Interesting how much timing affects HN submissions https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=github.com/fish-shell


It's fine, I won't be staying up late just for HN points!

And I'm still waiting for Midnight Commander to be fixed so I can upgrade from Fish 3.2.

Is what?

As can be seen, this is one of those project pages not intended to be useful to those who have not already become familiar with the subject in some other way.

Apparently this approach is so widely used in order to limit the number of new people that might become interested.

If Fish 3.6.0 were to catch on very widely or god forbid go viral, I can only imagine the maintainer would be as gravely disappointed as could be.

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but the actual project page is very useful: https://fishshell.com/

The OP is the equivalent of a changelog, which isn’t going to be terribly helpful to the uninitiated.

Thanks, this is exactly what is needed to get an idea what Fish is to begin with.

It is all too common for github pages to have no reference to more introductory material, and no obvious introductory material of their own.

Ah yes. The wisdom of the OP’s obscurity becomes clear now.

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