Making a gpt query on every search I'd say that's indeed unlikely. Luckily, most queries are repeated, so caching can work very well.
There are many opportunities there, gpt could potentially be used for common queries to expand the results and even as a way to disambiguate queries. For instance, if I ask it:
"If I make a search query for "go", what are the possible different things I may be looking for?"
I get
> There are many possible things that someone might be looking for when they make a search query for "go". Some possible interpretations of the term "go" include:
> The board game "Go"
> The programming language "Go"
> The command "go" or "Go!" as a signal to start or proceed with something
> The verb "go", as in to move or travel from one place to another
> The website "GO", which is a popular search engine
> It's also possible that the person making the search query is simply looking for information about the word "go" itself, such as its definition, pronunciation, or usage in different contexts.
there may be better prompts, of course.
Also, they may identify some queries as being gpt friendly and get those through gpt, which they may also augment with a suitable prompt. The thing is, giving the query as is to the GPT model is not the only option. They can certainly be creative with how they ask gpt and interpret the results. They don't have to necessarily even display the gpt response, they can use it to improve the results.
There are many opportunities there, gpt could potentially be used for common queries to expand the results and even as a way to disambiguate queries. For instance, if I ask it:
"If I make a search query for "go", what are the possible different things I may be looking for?"
I get
> There are many possible things that someone might be looking for when they make a search query for "go". Some possible interpretations of the term "go" include:
> The board game "Go"
> The programming language "Go"
> The command "go" or "Go!" as a signal to start or proceed with something
> The verb "go", as in to move or travel from one place to another
> The website "GO", which is a popular search engine
> It's also possible that the person making the search query is simply looking for information about the word "go" itself, such as its definition, pronunciation, or usage in different contexts.
there may be better prompts, of course.
Also, they may identify some queries as being gpt friendly and get those through gpt, which they may also augment with a suitable prompt. The thing is, giving the query as is to the GPT model is not the only option. They can certainly be creative with how they ask gpt and interpret the results. They don't have to necessarily even display the gpt response, they can use it to improve the results.