I watched this in the morning today, and in the 38 minute ride, the guy was mostly doing other things. Recording a video etc. In the whole ride, I think he only did something related to "driving" for a few seconds.
> Should you be doing many more things while having a phone call? Turns out the concept of a phone changed.
Being distracted during a phone call doesn't pose a risk of grievous injuries or death to yourself or others. Unless the nature of cars fundamentally changes, they should not under any circumstances be cool entertainment devices. Your focus should be on your mirrors and the road ahead. Full stop.
It’s an argument for continuing to develop that technology but this discussion is for the cars being built now, not in 2050. Self-driving technology isn’t even functional now and nowhere near the level of safety reliability it’ll need before you can say humans will never operate a particular vehicle and therefore it’s safe to remove the controls.