> I don't understand why twilio cannot simply set a flag on their phone company account saying "under no circumstances will we pay for these shenanigans", and why the phone company billing stuff cannot simply block sms messages to such scam accounts.
Everyone has the idea "just don't pay for fraud" but in practice it is difficult because there are many different carriers in the typical international call chain, which means to dispute charges you need everyone to agree. Also carriers have long term agreements with eachother about billing and it is not as easy to just dispute the charges like you can with a credit card.
Everyone has the idea "just don't pay for fraud" but in practice it is difficult because there are many different carriers in the typical international call chain, which means to dispute charges you need everyone to agree. Also carriers have long term agreements with eachother about billing and it is not as easy to just dispute the charges like you can with a credit card.