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I'd really like to see more info on the desktop G APU's. I'm not even sure if they're making a Dragon Range desktop APU, but it's what I personally am most interested in (I get that the 7000 series have fairly meager integrated graphics as is).

I realise it's a relatively unimportant market segment for them, but some info either way would be nice regardless.

We're allegedly going to see this in 2H '23. The 2 CU iGPU performance is about half of a 5600/5700g, so if we see an 8-12 CU model...it could completely replace the low-mid market for gpus.

Do you expect it to scale that well? If it were linear it would reach something like a RX 570, but isn't it more likely it will just be a bit better than the graphics of the 5700G? So probably not even beating a GTX 1050?

They probably will. It usually takes a while because they prioritize shipping the chip in laptops, then OEM systems. Maybe they skip the second part this time because now they have the basic igpu for the office PC market. Also with the down market they may have an oversupply which let's them start selling at retail faster.

Dragon Range is identical to Raphael that's already out.

I thought they might release a desktop Rembrandt in the $100-200 range but they haven't, probably because AM5 motherboards are so expensive. They may or may not release Phoenix on AM5 later this year.

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