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I had one of those behemoth AMD dozen-core CPU's with 64gb of RAM, in a desktop. My basic M1 blows it out of the water in terms of how fast it feels.

Some workloads are obviously faster on the big PC, but I haven't been this excited about a CPU since the Pentium 1.

I have a 3990X + 256GB RAM workstation with NVME drives.

My M1 Max MBPs absolutely do not "feel as fast" - but definitely feel proportionately faster for the cost.

That's quite the workstation!

I use my laptop as a thin client and have compute jobs running on the PC, which is now a Linux server. Best of both worlds I think.

> I use my laptop as a thin client and have compute jobs running on the PC

Same arrangement as here. I wish I could transparently overflow to cloud when the local server gets bogged down by my demands.

I use my M1 Max MBP as a thin client, incidentally.

I have XRDP setup, but primarily use the machine heedlessly.

I just really appreciate how quiet it runs. I basically never hear the fan, and I remember having to pin the fan in my old Macbook to max to force it to adequately cool the machine.

> pin the fan in my old Macbook to max

At the office we all joked that the MBPs were preparing to take off.

My personal macOS "machine" is a VM running on a supermicro threadripper pro board (along with a Linux desktop VM + random LXC/VMs). The macOS VM is significantly faster than my M1 Pro work system. I should run some benchmarks.

The M1 has a lot more transistors per core than the AMD, so which is the behemoth?

The one that:

- costs more

- plugs into the wall

- cannot easily be moved

- sounds like a helicopter!

Is cooling the 3990X really that noisy?

I have a lower model but yes, it’s super annoying

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