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If you enjoyed reading this article, you’ll probably also enjoy Joshua Jay’s book How Magicians Think. Among other things, he describes the experience of spending a few days visiting Tamariz.

There’s a significant number of magicians worldwide that have learned Spanish just to spend time around Spain and around other Spanish magicians.

To add to this, Juan Tamariz paved the road for other great (and arguably better) spanish magicians to follow him, and it's worth watching them to see how different and amazing Spanish magic is. To name a few check Dani DaOrtiz, Mario Lopez, Rúbi Ferez, and Juan Colas on Youtube and Instagram.

As a Spaniard I had of course heard of Tamariz, but I had no idea there was an Spanish "scene", so to speak.

Are you also spaniard or just into the topic?

The Spanish “scene” has been around for a while! I have a friend who moved to Spain in the 90s to study under Ascanio. After Ascanio, Tamariz and the late Gabi Pareras seem to have the biggest influences, but Gabi was not well known outside of Spain (until his later years). Only got to see him once in London.

Tamariz is still a big influence in the magic scene of course, but DaOrtiz and his Villa Kaps seem to be expanding the circle at a faster pace for the next generation.

(Not Spanish, from Puerto Rico now living in the US, and very much into the topic. =) )

Yes, Villa Kaps is a beautiful and wonderful place to study magic.

I'm from your next door neighbour, Portugal. But I think that anyone that studies magic quickly realizes how amazing the Spanish scene is.

Don't forget Woody Aragon! :-)

And Luis Olmedo - 2022 FISM winner! Great act.

Plus many more.

I have not learned Spanish, but I do travel to Spain to work with Spanish Magicians, so this is quite true.

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