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You're such a nice person, but Windows is developed by one company while Linux is a mishmash of volunteer software.

Additionally Windows is raking in MONEY for their OS.

So from that perspective, Microsoft have no excuse for the shitty software they make people endure.

>Linux is a mishmash of volunteer software

Only if you intentionally ignore all the billions big-tech has poured into Linux over the years.

Sure, but that doesn't improve microsofts case. The fact that hundreds of companies allow their employees to contribute to open source software, not just the kernel, also Gnome and surrounding software.

So dozens of huge companies, hundreds of smaller companies, they can all contribute code to an OS that is on-par with Windows, but missing things like patents and gaming hardware support that Microsoft pays for.

While Microsoft with all their advantages, all their insights and cooperations with hardware vendors still can't deliver.

It's really pathetic, and I put it down to their company culture not having any common goal.

>While Microsoft with all their advantages, all their insights and cooperations with hardware vendors still can't deliver

What didn't they deliver? Last time I check Windoze desktop/laptop market share is still way higher than Linux despite Windoze costing $100 bucks and Linux being free.

And it's not difficult to see why. It's not even about the gaming anymore. The bugginess and jank of the modern Linux desktop can drive you up the walls.

For example, whenever I plug in my 4k monitor in my Ubuntu ThinkPad it rarely detects the 60Hz refresh rate, most of the time defaulting to 30Hz with no way of switching to 60Hz unless I go through a ritual of repeatedly unplugging and plugging the display-port cable again and again until the stars align and at the fifth or sixth time it finally detects the 60Hz option. Absolute madness that's a huge productivity killer. The Ubuntu 10.00 I used in university in 2010 - 2011 gave me less headaches than this. Yes, I tried different display-port cables. Meanwhile on Windows 10 and 11, both have always defaulted to 60Hz on this monitor and several laptops in the 3 years I had it, 100% of the time, every single time.

Now, since I need to get work/leisure done, and I don't have time to dig through Linux forums and tinker with the driver config files on Linux to find out why Ubuntu sucks so bad at detecting the right refresh rate, so windows has saved my sanity since the candy crush icon in the start menu is a lot quicker and easier to remove than having an OS that plays Russians roulette with your display refresh rate every time I start my day.

That money would mainly be going to the kernel, not the desktop applications.

And then why aren't big-tech also investing in the Linux desktop?

AFAIK IBM, SUSE, Red-HAt and Canonical are heavily investing in Gnome while other companies are investing in KDE.

KDE/Gnome aren't just some guys in a garage developing them in their spare time.

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