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> Git isn't relying on collision-resistance, it's relying on second-preimage[0] resistance, which is to say: in order to sneak a hash collision in to a git repository, you have to sneak _something else_ that's already trusted (e.g. via code review) into the repository; collisions can't (yet) be generated for arbitrary hashes.

Yes, I know. I was arguing the more general point that 'The use of SHA-1 in Git is not for security purposes,'.

Of course, for anything crypto related we go by the maxim 'guilty, until proven innocent'. MD5 might not have a published second-preimage attack, yet; but its broken enough, that you shouldn't rely on it for anything anymore: it's not a acceptable crypto-hash, and if you don't need a crypto-hash, you can use something simpler like a CRC instead.

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