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“Scale” by Greg Egan (gregegan.net)
58 points by sohkamyung on Jan 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I like Greg Egan's formula for stories of coming up with a "small" change to fundamental physics, and then follow all of the consequences to their logical conclusions to build the world. It's <https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Mohs/OneBigLie> to a T. And I really like the "Science" pages on his website that explain these worlds, which a bunch of his books have, including this one (where there are 8 long-lived generations of leptons), Orthogonal (where the time dimension is spacelike), and Dichronauts (where one of the space dimensions is timelike).

Is it too soon for another round of Pictures of Greg Egan [1]?

Is Greg even male or an individual? Hats off to a fellow sandgroper.

[1] https://www.gregegan.net/images/GregEgan.htm

Greg Egan's Permutation City is an all-time favourite. The combination of simulation, cellular automata, garden of eden states and Dust Theory blew my mind as an adult in the same way that the Matrix did when I was a kid. Very keen to check out this new work!

Thanks for the reminder. Greg Egan is one of the few SF authors where I don’t feel like I’m reading a “tech themed” fantasy story where the sci-fi elements may as well be magic.

I highly recommend Greg Egan’s short story anthology Axiomatic.

“Learning to Be Me” has really stuck with me.

Highly recommend the short story, ”Wang’s Carpets” by Egan titled in honor of mathematician Hao Wang.

See http://akkartik.name/post/wangs-carpets

Strongly agree, and (as I'm sure you know) that story is an excerpt from Egan's wonderful novel "Diaspora".

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