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I guess the libertarian American argument would be that the free market is already doing its job here, as the parent commenter is no longer using Amazon quite as much as they used to. Walmart is providing a better service. People will eventually figure that out and flock to Walmart. Why do we need the law to tell Amazon what to do?

Yes, but truth is that free market is not actually working.

If free market really worked, there would be no Amazon bad customer care, because they would not survive the competition of a great number of better services.

In reality in most places in America Amazon and Walmart are the only alternatives, with only one of the two easily available.

Free market has killed the small shops that provided the aforementioned good customer support.

If USA version of free market was so good as advertised, things like food deserts [1] would not exist. It's something that have an enormous impact on society at large and hits fragile families harder, if that wasn't possible by law, wouldn't it be better?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert

Yeah good points - I definitely don't want to say that free market always results in perfect outcomes. n=1, Amazon does seem to be out-competed by Walmart in terms of customer support. If they still survive after awhile of this without improving their customer support, then the stubborn conclusion would be that people on average actually don't care so much about customer support! Or maybe more like people don't use customer support quality as a big factor for deciding which website to buy from (and that definitely might be a good reason to include some regulation. customer support is in peoples' best interest but they don't think about it so much)

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