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I (in Australia) want preferences about avoiding right turns across busy roads (equivalent to left turns in the US). I use Google Maps and it seems to constantly choose options with all of the difficult turns.

Passengers in my car (ie my family) want an option that prevents the driver from complaining about the navigation.

Just an FYI, when Google Maps comes up with routes, there are penalties for complex maneuvers built in when ranking routes. An unprotected left will add a time penalty to the route option when it is ranked against alternatives. I understand what you are hoping for is a much harsher penalty (or maybe even a way to customize it completely), but wanted to point out that things like U-turns and other maneuvers are treated as penalties

> I (in Australia) want preferences about avoiding right turns across busy roads (equivalent to left turns in the US). I use Google Maps and it seems to constantly choose options with all of the difficult turns.

This would be incredibly useful in congested areas. Good feature suggestion.

I would like google map add the cost of turns to the length of route. It always turns a lot(sometimes even zigzag) and think it would be sooner to arrive at the target.

But that isn't really the case in city area.

I would like a option that avoid turns if possible unless it is really too far.

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