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“Warning: teenagers at the wheel” (in the style of “children at play”)

I have a feeling this would be considered unacceptable ageism elsewhere, but Japan requires some drivers to display a sticker which indicates to "other drivers that the marked driver is not very skilled, either due to inexperience or old age".

For the Young/New: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshinsha_mark

For the Elderly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dreisha_mark

Sometimes this is self evident:

For the Young/New: souped up fart can cars / Econobox

For the Elderly: Pale Blue Lincoln Town Cars

But I would like to see these stickers in the U.S. too, along with Germany's much tougher driver education requirements.

This is also the case in Ireland and the UK for newly full licensed drivers.

Not in the UK, well at least not in England. "P" (for "just Passed the test") signs are quite common on cars but absolutely no requirement for a newly licensed driver to get one.

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