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I hope you're joking. Spider-man is owned entirely by Sony. It is only by a tenuous contract that Disney was able to get Spider-Man into the MCU.

Spider-Man is almost entirely owned by Marvel. Spider-Man's live action movie rights are owned by Sony as long as they produce at least one film with the character every 5 years and 9 months. This includes co-producing them with Marvel. Universal owns the film rights to both solo Hulk and Namor films. Finally, Fox owned the right to make 13 X-Men films, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool films over 20 years, but Disney bought those rights back.

Sony has film rights only, for as long as they produce a new Spider-Man movie every five years.

The film rights are owned by Sony. As part of the deal in relinquishing some creative control to Disney for the MCU, Sony also has exclusivity to Spider-Man centric video games (e.g., other games, like Midnight Suns, can use Spider-Man as a supporting character, but not the primary character).

Funnily, Nintendo got Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 which had Spiderman.

Wow. No.

Spider-Man is owned by Marvel, which is owned by Disney.

Sony has an exclusive license to the film rights which they will eventually lose and cede back to Disney.

> Sony has an exclusive license to the film rights which they will eventually lose and cede back to Disney.

Not if they keep making a reboot and two sequels every few years (contract is one film every 5 years, AFAIK)

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