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Reddit goes 'Independent,' says more deals to come (cnet.com)
25 points by jasonlbaptiste on Oct 23, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

The real question is: will the voting actually influence the paper's editorial?

Will outside links show up on the Independent.co.uk homepage if people vote them up via the new Reddit-powered system? or will the results of users voting be confined to the Reddit page?

Much of the online world still uses stupid forum and comment software that sorts topics and comments in the order they were received. This enables trolls and makes conversation difficult. I look forward to the day that we see the last "bump"

I wonder if Slashdot will enter the same market.

Could we see competing moderation and meta-moderation products in social media?

It seems to me like that could be a hot market.

This story is mostly gibberish to me. Apart from that, Reddit ruined Wired and turned it into a big crowd blog.

The title is editorialized. Its translation is "The U.K. newspaper 'Independent' is going to use Reddit's voting system".

But I guess informative headlines aren't catchy enough.

Also, for the curious, the actual site itself is here: http://www.reddit.com/r/independent/

Ghost town at the moment.

Sorry, but I have to say: I'll Dreddit...

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