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I am not convinced by one of the quiz answers:

> Our calculations confirm that a relatively short series of truly randomly chosen English dictionary words is secure; many people find these somewhat more memorable. Above we used "In the jungle! The mighty Jungle, the lion sleeps tonight!" The important thing is to choose enough words and to choose them in a random un-guessable way, such as by changing the spacing, punctuation, spelling, or capitalization.

The problem with this example is that the 10 words are not chosen independently. Type "in the j" into a google search box and the whole phrase will appear in the drop-down box. So the entropy for the choice of that phrase is about lg2(37^8) or about 42 bits.

So an approximation of the total entropy is:

Choice of source phrase = lg2(37^8) ~= 41.7 bits

Choose one of the 10 suggestions from the drop-down box = lg2(10) ~= 3.3 bits

Permutation of words = lg2(10! / 2! / 3!) ~= 18.2 bits

Spacing (assume each word may independently be precedeed by a space with probability 0.5) =10 bits

Punctuation (each word may be independently followed by '!') = 10 bits

Capitalization: independently choose one of {lowercase, camelcase, uppercase) for each word = lg2(3^10) ~= 15.8 bits

Total so far: 98 bits.

Now consider the third option: a mixture of 16 independently-chosen letters, numbers and symbols. Assume most ASCII characters are available (lets eliminate single quote, backslash and $ which cause problems for some web apps) and we have

lg2(92^16) ~= 104.4 bits, which wins.

The point is that "In the jungle" etc can actually be reliably remembered by a large portion of the population, whereas 16 independently chosen letters/numbers/symbols usually can not.

Humans are great at remembering phrases, quotes, etc. Think about how widespread referential humor is, where the joke is just a reference to/quote from another work. That's something the brain is great at. Random or semi-random jumbles of letters? Not so much.

In illustrated fashion: http://xkcd.com/936/

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