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I think there's a hidden issue there: it's 2022, almost 2023, and we still don't have standardized auto-fill forms. Browser auto-fillers somewhat work, but because every website is implemented so differently, I always end up having to type my address number or birthdate again.

I can't see why there isn't an standard semantic web standard for this. We shoukd standardise how common fields should be named and their datatypes set once and for all. Example: set on a field for month AND a field for day. No more MM/DD vs DD/MM issues. One-click and it's unambiguously filled by the browser. Seriously, what's preventing this from happening?

There is a standard for this. If you google HTML5 autocomplete attribute you’ll notice all the possible autocomplete attributes and those cover pretty much just about anything. To my knowledge, the major browsers implement nearly all of them.

What’s preventing this from happening? Nothing, clearly, devs just don’t implement it because they don’t know about it, and they don’t know about it because they’re busy learning about or implementing something else. How would you universally communicate to everybody that this is now a thing? How long will it take you to fix 90% of the forms out there that were set-and-forget five years ago?

Besides, for most it’s easier to use oauth with google or whatever and automatically get the name and birthdate from there (of course, often enough, they have the non completed form anyway…)

> use oauth with google or whatever and automatically get the name and birthdate from there

After recent story about github ban: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33917962 anything that asks for more that email is a instant 'close tab and never return' for me. And even before, there is no way I am allowing any site to access may date of birth (despite it being fake one anyway)

And going back to "autocomplete" - it looks that browsers "know better" than developers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12374442/chrome-ignores-...

> anything that asks for more that email is a instant 'close tab and never return' for me.

OK? Unrelated to what I was talking about. I'm saying devs do it out of convenience. What you do with that is not their problem, really. Most people like Google auth.

> And going back to "autocomplete"

Again, totally irrelevant? I was not talking about autocomplete=off, but about the dozens of available autocomplete values, which is what leonidasv was asking about: A standard for the various autofill forms.

Funnily enough, you're nicely showcasing the problem yourself: You're a developer who didn't bother doing the research, and yet complains upthread about the lack of standards or whatever. I invite you to look at this page:


I think my Safari 'autofill forms' feature fails 4-5 times in a year? Usually on a really shitty site or one that thinks it's clever. If you build your form according to standards with autofill hints you should have very little problems.

It is 2022: some JS frontend frameworks don't have `input` elements in DOM tree ( or at least it is nowhere near the place visible "inputs" are). I guess it is the result of standard elements not being customizable enough (and let's be real, there is never going be a point when available options are enough).

Sounds like a job for a LLM browser plugin :P

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