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Just curious, could you give a concrete example of what waf provides that CMake doesn't?

Say your program requires some static data stored as XML files that link to each other (e.g. XLink), you need to convert them into a different in-memory representation, and then compile them into an object file for embedding into the binary, and maybe generate some header files to access the data. Maybe you even want to compress the data at build time, and link with zstd to decompress at runtime if the user passes a `--compress-data` flag when building.

In waf, it's possible to implement everything you need for that in a highly efficient way: the 'scanner' method that parses XML files to find linked resources to setup dependencies, the task that generates the header file with optional decompression API, etc. Because the task scheduler is flexible and programmable, you can implement it so that nothing runs unless it absolutely has to. Even the dependency scanner can cache data between builds so that it doesn't need to re-scan for dependencies unless any of the files it found in a previous invocation changed (hash, timestamp, etc)

For example: MyData.xml links to CoolStuff.xml; user modifies the whitespace of CoolStuff.xml, so MyData.xml needs to be rebuilt; the Task that converts it into a new representation runs, but since whitespace didn't affect the output of that task, the output file's hash is identical to what it was before, so the other tasks don't detect a change, and the build ends immediately.

In CMake, it would be impossible to implement something comparable. With custom functions/external scripts you can technically do anything, but there's a lot of inefficiency both in runtime and development effort. Since CMake doesn't actually perform builds itself, it's limited in what you can directly do, and the DSL isn't powerful enough to take advantage of more flexible CMake internals even if they existed.

But if you only need to compile C and C++ files with some light scripting, CMake is far superior for a lot of reasons.

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