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> At that point just rob me already what’s the point of working anymore while some lazy ass can get by without competition in this world.

> What we need instead is assisted suicide for people who decided they can’t take it anymore in competing in this cruel world.

This is an incredibly cynical and disconnected thing to say. Life isn't a 'grind' or competition where your success is based on how hard you work, it's a cruel system built on exploitation and abuse.

There are plenty of people that work their asses off providing arguably essential services, yet are barely above the poverty line. Walmart is one of the largest employers in the US, raking in over 150B in profit, yet also has some of the most employees relying on social security programs to get by.

Yes life is a grind and competition. Open your eyes. This is the reality. We humanity have a built in kill switch in our head, greed. Rich or poor, young or old. Everyone thinks about themselves. This is what makes competition and free market work. Communism doesn’t work. You think more distribution will make us hold hands together and sing kumbaya near a firepit? Who’s gonna decide where and how much the distribution should go? There will be blood on the streets.

It is impossible for everyone in this Earth to live like an average Americans. The Earth will suffer.

They don’t have to work for Walmart. Please study programming or plumbing instead.

Meanwhile a lot of people in other countries would kill to have their standard of living. The only reason why they have the salary and standard living that they have compared to 3rd world country is because their country export inequalities, trash, made possible by their money printing machine backed by military power.

In communism everything is owned by the state, that makes everyone a member of the state which means we all get an equal vote in determining distribution and allocation. Communism is democracy taken to the logical extreme

And in practice, this effectively never happens (are there good examples of it happening?). Somehow the revolution keeps getting stuck in the totalitarian phase.

Yea the CIA definitely never gets involved either

So you're saying communism can't survive in the real world where foreign intelligence agencies exist?

> So you're saying communism can't survive in the real world where foreign intelligence agencies exist?

I mean, this is an incredibly disingenuous conclusion. By that logic democracy is flawed and can never exist in South America, the Middle East, or any other number of places where the CIA staged coups and assassinated leaders.

It's hard for any system to thrive, regardless of its merit, when the world's de-facto superpower has dedicated billions into its destruction.

> Life isn't a 'grind' or competition where your success is based on how hard you work

No, its a grind and competition where your success is based much mainly on the lottery of starting circumstances.

Amen sister/brother. I am right there with you, standing on the fringe of society.

Sadly, I do not believe assisted suicide will ever become a broadly accepted outcome. Too many people are afraid of death and willing to subjugate the freedom of everyone in order to defend their precious sensibilities.

If they make suicide painless and effortless more people would want to do it. Suicide is a win win situation for everyone. Less humanity, less population to feed, more organs to distribute, less pollution, also less competition between us.

The only thing that would stand against self assisted suicide coming to masses is those religious people.

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